Upon ordering this service, you'll be contacted via
When you join the RTS Guided Programming you get:
-- Placement into a specialized training group to best fit your requirements
-- Detailed and precise training plans to get you strong and also keep the gains coming over the long term.
-- Guidance on how to best modify your program to fit your needs
-- The cost is $99 per month (billed automatically)
-- Click here to sign up or request more information
FREE ACCESS to the RTS Training Lab
-- Exclusive to RTS coaching, membership and classroom students. Interact with other RTS clients and share success stories.
-- Monthly tactics lessons presented by Mike Tuchscherer.
-- RTS Coaching staff office hours. Access to interact with RTS Coaching staff to learn about any aspects of powerlifting you'd like to talk about. There will be several time slots open per week.
-- Special guest office hours! We're bringing in trusted advisors to speak on subjects like biomechanics, nutrition, injury rehab, return to play, and more.
So how does it work?
Upon registration, you'll answer a short questionnaire. This information will to place you in a training approach that is the best fit for you. This way you’ll get training that is appropriate for you. If during the training you have a question, need to change something or have some other various need for support, post up the on the RTS Community or send us an email to the private Guided Programming email account. RTS coaches and lifters will be able to answer your questions to help provide guidance.
Each weekend, you will receive training for the next week. The program will be flexible in that it will still allow you to work around scheduling demands and peak for whatever dates you need in an easy, intuitive way.
So you get training that is well designed and thoroughly planned with your long-term progress in mind. It’s customizable. You'll have consistent, knowledgeable coaching available every step of the way to provide experience and insight. This program has resulted in many all-time PR’s for folks – and that’s what we’re all after!
If you're wondering how effective the training can be here are some words from real athletes who have been coached directly from RTS:
This cycle have been really great. I´ve had great gains in all my lifts. I´ve also packed on some muscles. Actually way more than I thought I would.
-- Mads Falch Jorgensen
I've really enjoyed the training, have learned a lot and completely changed my thinking about how I train and react to my training. I have set several new PRs and am keen to continue working with RTS.
-- Dr. Chris Gibbons.
[This cycle was] great. Saw some really big strength gains out of the gate. Hit numbers I didn't think were possible.
-- Bryce Krawczyk
9/9 1500total @181 w/o wraps!! Epic day 150 lb meet PR vid coming soon!
-- Mike Garozzo
If you'd like to read more comments from athletes using our training, check our Athlete Comments page!
If you have questions about what to expect, contact us here.
Click here for Guided Programming
Click here for All Access Coaching