7 Week RTS Hypertrophy Template:
RTS's most economical solution for progressing your strength to new levels. Design by the RTS coaching staff this 7-week hypertrophy-focused template adapts with you as you gain strength and size. The template is designed to add size and strength with an emphasis on hypertrophy and adding muscle mass. Training 3 or 4 days per week with low specificity, low intensity, low RPE, and high volume work to add muscle mass. The 3x/week template has about a 10% reduction in total work. Did you say adapt with me as I progress?
ADAPTIVE Template:
-Have the template loaded into your RTS training log at NO additional cost and the template will evolve to you.
-Exercises will adjust based on your available equipment!
-Target weights will be provided based on the data you enter in the training log for each training session.
-Our TRAC system will help you adjust the training volume based on your specific recovery abilities!
-Exercises that you are not physically able to perform can be blacklisted and substituted to fit your abilities.
All templates will come with a PDF for you to use as you wish. Please allow us 48 hours to process those orders and get your PDF to you. If you would like to take advantage of that program's adaptive ability, then we'll need you to complete the following steps. This process may require some back and forth communications between you and our operations staff. Please allow for a few days after the order for this process to take place prior to your template being loaded into your training log.
1. Complete the purchase of this Adaptive Template!
2. Sign up for a FREE RTS Training log account here: https://www.reactivetrainingsystems.com/Authentication/LoginPage
3. Complete the Athlete Profile in the training log account.
4. In the order notes, provide us with the date you would like the program to start.
5. In the order notes, provide us with your preferred deadlift stance; conventional or sumo.
6. Execute the training!
Lifters we recommend this template for:
Lifters in search of some serious hypertrophy work that will increase some muscle mass.
Template Overview:
This unique RTS approach to increasing your hypertrophy will have you bigger and stronger in no time. Sticking with the big heavy compound power lifts for the main movers you won’t lose ground on your total either. The competition lifts are approached with ramp-up loading protocols approaching 9 RPE with reps ranging from 6 in the early weeks to 4 in the later weeks.
Templates are a great way to get solid programming concepts into your training for a low cost. RTS's Adaptive Templates go further by leveraging our online systems to get you a template that fits your unique response to a training program. Sign up today!