Upon ordering this service, you'll be contacted via email with follow-up information and a questionnaire. Please allow up to 48 business hours to receive this email.
If you are a Youth (<14 years old), Sub-Junior (14-18) athlete, or Junior (18-23) we offer a $60 discount on monthly coaching if you use the discount code 'AACJunior'. Upon ordering, you'll be asked to provide some type of age identification.
All Access Coaching is a highly individualized programming process:-- Custom training program where training strategy, template, exercise selection, etc are all tailored to you.
-- Athletic Vision Casting and Unique Lifter Profile are central to not just helping your progress but helping you progress in exactly the way you want to.
-- Custom training schedule, exercise selection, strategy development, and more
-- Access to the full range of RTS online tools (training log, TRAC, etc)
-- One-on-one support with your coach via email, chat, and video calls
-- Technical and weakness analysis via video review
-- Video conference after each macrocycle for an in-depth and detailed look at training methods to ensure your efforts are creating the most progress possible
-- Video conference post-competition/test day with your coach to discuss future development
-- The cost is $220 per month.
FREE ACCESS to the RTS Training Lab
-- Exclusive to RTS coaching, membership, and classroom students. Interact with other RTS clients and share success stories.
-- Monthly tactics lessons presented by Mike Tuchscherer.
-- RTS Coaching staff office hours. Access to interact with RTS Coaching staff to learn about any aspects of powerlifting you'd like to talk about. There will be several time slots open per week.
-- Special guest office hours! We're bringing in trusted advisors to speak on subjects like biomechanics, nutrition, injury rehab, return to play, and more.
At last count, we have worked with:
-- Over 50 lifters who have competed at the IPF World level (including 15 World Record holders)
-- Over 50 National champions
-- Hundreds of other lifters including beginners, intermediates, and advanced lifters.
-- Men and women
-- Young lifters and old lifters
-- Heavy lifters and light lifters
-- The most important thing is for each individual to set a PR – to be quantifiably better than they were before!
If you're wondering how effective the training can be here are some words from real athletes who have been coached directly from RTS:
"You are a really great online coach mate. I have no idea how you manage such a large client database so well! Thanks again!"
"I just wanted to say. You are by far the best online trainer I have come across mate. Thanks heaps!"
"I have been using RTS for approximately 14 weeks now and have had the best results of any training program I have ever used."
"Just wanted to give a quick props to RTS programming. After doing a six week program I hit PR's across the board with a 738 squat 424 bench and 710 deadlift. All lifts were raw in the 242 class. This was a 137 pound PR total and I probably had another 25 left on the platform."
"I have been training RTS for a year now and I have experienced great gains with Mike's excellent coaching."
"I added 40 pounds to my squat 15 pounds to my bench and 35 pounds to my deadlift. 90 Pound PR total over the course of the 8 week program."
"After my first training cycle I added 21 pounds to my squat and PR'd in all 3 lifts."
"Squat went up 44 pounds. Bench went up 21 pounds. Deadlift went up 28 pounds. 93 pound PR total. Thanks for letting me participate Mike!"