Want to actually LEARN about strength and not just be told what to do? Have questions about what's the best way to train?
Nutrition Fundamentals will provide you with all the tools to learn, improve, and apply sound nutritional principles to your training. This course will prepare you with the basic knowledge of how to organize your nutritional considerations to maximize your performance output. Including what to do when you are getting close to meet day and have those final few kilos to cut to make a specific weight class.
This course is taught by Dr. Kristin Lander, a certified sports nutritionist. With over a decade of experience working with athletes and their nutrition, Kristin has a plethora of knowledge to help guide lifters to develop their own individualized nutritional needs.
You will walk away with a well-rounded understanding of nutrition and how it works in the world of performance and powerlifting!
During this course there will be four sections comprising of twelve lectures on those topics:- Nutrition Basics
- Advanced Nutrition
- Weight Manipulation
- Meet Considerations
Nutrition Basics
- What is Performance Nutrition
- The Psychology of Eating
- Nutrition Myths
- Nutrition Basics
Advanced Nutrition
- Key Nutrition Specifics for Strength Athletes
- Determining your Daily Caloric Need
- Timing of Macros & Food Intake
Weight Manipulation
- How to Track Your Macros
- Manipulating Calories and Macros for Weight Loss
- Manipulating Calories and Macros for Weight Gain
Meet Considerations
- Short Term Changes to Body Weight to make Weight for a Meet
- Meet Day Nutrition